You are on the Georis Group SA website, the use of which is subject to these terms under the "Legal Notice" and compliance with Senegalese regulations in force. This information may be modified at any time by Georis Group. Therefore, we advise you to consult them regularly.

Publisher and host of the website

The website is owned by the company Georis Group

Social siege : Villa Mountain View - 15 route de l’hôtel King Fahd Palace - Les Almadies - BP : 24508, Ouakam - Dakar - Sénégal

S.A. capital of 10.000.000 de FCFA

R.C.C.M.SN-DKR- 2008-B- 6882

NINEA 29919502V2


Fax :


The presentation and content of the website, including, but not limited to, the name and logos of Georis Group, images, products, slogans, as well as the software used for the site and related services, collectively or individually constitute a work protected by intellectual property laws.

Any user of the site agrees to use these elements solely for private and personal use, for the purpose of receiving the services provided on the site. No other reproduction and/or representation, partial or complete, by any means, on any medium and in any form whatsoever, of these elements may be made without the prior written consent of Georis Group, except as provided by law.

Georis Group prohibits users of the Site from permanently or temporarily reproducing, translating, adapting, arranging, modifying, exploiting, or distributing, for consideration or free of charge, the software, source codes, or other programming codes used by Georis Group to edit the site or provide related services, without the prior written permission of Georis Group.


Georis Group clients can address their complaints regarding the use of services provided on the Site by mail to the following address: Villa Mountain View - 15 route de l’hôtel King Fahd Palace - Les Almadies - BP : 24508, Ouakam - Dakar - Sénégal


Georis Group ensures that any user of the website, by filling out the forms provided online, consents and agrees that Georis Group processes the information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Georis Group places particular emphasis on respecting privacy and is committed to protecting the personal data of its service users in accordance with applicable regulations. Consequently, no personal information is collected without your knowledge or transferred to third parties. Additionally, Georis Group provides every user with the opportunity to request modification, correction, and/or deletion of their data by simply sending an email to or a postal mail to the following address: Villa Mountain View - 15 route de l’hôtel King Fahd Palace - Les Almadies - BP : 24508, Ouakam - Dakar - Sénégal